What Absurdism is about

Robert Greene became famous with The 48 Laws of Power (1998). He taught French at New York University and Classics and Comparative Literature at the University of Wisconsin. He worked as an editor for Esquire and lived in England, Italy, Spain and France, among other places. he lives in Santa Monica, California.
The first known use of was in in . is considered the father of – whom will be explained in more detail later. The original word for is ”. It is all about the ‘Objective meaning’. There is a brief explanation about first and more in detail later on in the article. Futhermore, the arguments for and against this philosophy will be discussed.
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Idealism is a way of thinking that states that ideas are the only actual reality. Ideas are the only thing that is worth knowing. Therefore, material things do not exist. For instance, a material is considered not to be accurate because they are mutable and destructible. If something keeps on changing, it cannot be deemed real. For an idealist, only ideas are fundamental. They do not change. They are immutable and indestructible. 

People once said: ‘Give me liberty or give me death’. Now they are saying: ‘Make me a slave, just pay me enough’.

Todd Garington

What these Astonishing Ideas are

Ideas are generated in the head or mind of an individual. Therefore, they are being translated into thoughts and formed with language. This is what makes ideas exist and can be put forward into the world. All ideas lead to newer ideas. That process is an eternal cycle because new ideas create new ideas again and so on.

There are an infinite amount of ideas, information, and knowledge created by this. The central question is, how much of these ideas do we need to know? Our mind or brain is constantly thinking. That is the fountain of all of our thoughts. Furthermore, an idea can be either good or bad.

According to known idealistic writings, if one likes the idea of a philosopher, they should analyze inquiring that philosophy. It also applies to the other way around. If one doesn’t feel comfortable about the ideas of a particular philosopher, one should not spend much time studying them. Otherwise, one is set up for failure.

Plato and Socrates: Undergrounds of the Socratic Questioning

Two key figures of idealism are Plato and Socrates. Socrates is known for his Socratic questioning, which orbits around the ideas in mind. Whenever someone came to Socrates with a question, Socrates never answered. Instead, he listened patiently to the person and their question and returned another question. 

idealism thinking

This way, the one who asked the question was forced to think. Through this process of asking questions, people regularly found the answer. Therefore their mind developed.

Teachers are not answering dispersing machines. They need to make the students think. This way, education, and learning are happening. On the other hand, training is happening instead of education if a teacher only broadcasts information.

Eye-opening: Idealism vs Materialism

These days it is nearly impossible to find a scientist who solely believes in idealism. Idealism or an idealist will say that nothing is real because everything is real is in our minds. For instance, an astrophysicist would never be able to conclude or theory if one kept asking himself whenever their observations were actual.

60second philosophy on Idealism

Books, for example, can, can be considered to be unreal as well. That is because the mind creates the sensation that you are holding something and reading it while interpreting the text. According to a romantic thinker, there is only material and no ideas, which are nothing but a biochemical reaction.

Idealism is only naive when it lacks action, determination, and imagination.

Colin Wright

A materialistic thinker is always searching for a good argument answer that can be traced back. Both sides are considered powerful tools for ‘natural leaders’ and followers. It is important to know the difference. Once states that there are only ‘thoughts’ and nothing else. The other one states that there is only ‘material.’

Materialistic explanation

Many believe that materialism is an expressive obsession with material things. People who tend to be materialistic are usually too occupied with things like luxury, properties, and money. But philosophically, this is incorrect. Materialism is a philosophical ideology where reality is independent, or isolated, of human thoughts. Therefore, materialism is the opposite of idealism in an intellectual context.

The Marxist Project on Idealism vs Materialism

If you want to know more about how you can beat your SWS, see this article: ‘Sine Wave Syndrome‘. above is a summary of all different types of philosophies if you want to learn all about them. Knowing all kinds of philosophy may aid you to enhance your ability to solve problems, can help you to improve your communication skill, persuasive powers, and writing skills. Knowing different ways of thinking allows you to relate to something in your life, which provides clarity that will make you feel better overall.

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Don't miss out on Numerous Philosophers

// Great minds have lived through centuries. Philosophers spend years perfecting their point of view to be able to grasp its full potential. Which resulted in their Magnum Opus. Magnum Opus is Latin for ‘the great work’. We listed all of them with an easy-to-understand explanation. Happiness comes from understanding. And philosophy doesn’t have to be complicated.

Other Alluring Philosophies worth checking out