What Confucianism is all about

Confucianism, attributed to the teachings of Confucius, emerged in ancient China as a philosophical and ethical system guiding societal harmony and personal development.
The first known use of was in in . is considered the father of – whom will be explained in more detail later. The original word for is ”. It is all about the ‘Objective meaning’. There is a brief explanation about first and more in detail later on in the article. Futhermore, the arguments for and against this philosophy will be discussed.

A brief explanation

Confucianism promotes harmony, filial piety, and the cultivation of virtue as essential elements of a flourishing society.
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Arguments for Confucianism

Confucianism promotes harmony, filial piety, and the cultivation of virtue as essential elements of a flourishing society.

Arguments against Confucianism

Critics of Confucianism may challenge its hierarchical social structure and perceived emphasis on conformity, arguing for greater individual autonomy and social progress.

Who is considered the father of Confucianism actually?

Confucius, revered as a sage and teacher, emphasized the cultivation of moral character and the importance of rituals and traditions in fostering social cohesion.
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Don't miss out on Numerous Philosophers

// Great minds have lived through centuries. Philosophers spend years perfecting their point of view to be able to grasp its full potential. Which resulted in their Magnum Opus. Magnum Opus is Latin for ‘the great work’. We listed all of them with an easy-to-understand explanation. Happiness comes from understanding. And philosophy doesn’t have to be complicated.

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