Book summary

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Book summaries

Every book that Anthony loved and more

Reading a book teaches you a lot. Making a summary of the book will provide you with the most value. It shows that you truly understand the book (as long as the summary is good, obviously).

But what should one do with a pile of unused book summaries, hmm? Maybe my quest and hobby for knowledge and salvation will pay me the money back I spend on my motivational coffee – with respect and smiles (and affiliate + ads. Sadly, smiles won’t pay for the hosting costs).

Anthony Vasquez October 14, 2022

Franz Kafka – The Metamorphosis

'Monstrous vermin' as Gregor struggles when he finds himself inexplicably transformed into a huge insect. It's a book about finding one's own identity.

Metamorphosis book
Anthony Vasquez October 14, 2022

Henry David Thoreau – Walden

Living in a small cabin. Henry David Thoreau - an American Transcendentalist philosopher - went to live in the woods in solitude for over two…

Walden book cover
Anthony Vasquez October 14, 2022

Karl Marx – The Communist Manifesto

Arguing that capitalism would self-destruct and be replaced by socialism and communism. The Communist Manifesto formed the basis for communism as we know it now.

The communist manifesto cover
Anthony Vasquez October 2, 2022

Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching

The way and the power of the way. It lays the foundation of Taoism. Truly a remarkable spiritual and philosophical classic. Including extensive personal commentary.

Tao te Ching book
Anthony Vasquez September 27, 2022

Marcus Aurelius – Meditations

A book about virtue, human rationally, and his own thoughts. Originally written for Marcus' personal use. It contains a wide range of fascinating spiritual reflections.

meditations book
think and grow rich book

Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich

For over 20 years Hill researched various successful people. What did they do differently? The book identifies thirteen adoptable principles for achieving success.

the alchemist book

Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist

It is a fictional book about a shepherd who wants to follow his dreams. Traveling the world with his flock. Containing spiritual and philosophical wisdom.

The daily stoic book

Ryan Holiday – The Daily Stoic

A short story every day of the year from philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Zeno, and Epictetus. All together with an in-depth explenation of it.

Reasons to read the book summary

There are numerous benefits to reading. Not only can you learn a lot from the books themselves, but it also works really well for your memory. It improves your focus and empathy too.

All these books are picked very carefully by me Anthony (that’s me). After finishing every book I went on a quest for finding the next book to read. The books below are my top picks. You don’t even want to know how big my book collection really is. Reading books teaches you a lot, but sometimes you just want to know what the book is about before purchasing them. In case you are interested, these are my all-time favorite books I have read over the past few years.

I would be immensely grateful if you use my affiliate links when you decide to buy the books. It won’t cost you anything extra, but I will receive a small cut so I can keep this website online. The Sine Wave Syndrome Foundation isn’t a full-time occupation (not even close). Anyhow, thanks for reading this!

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